Apr 27, 2012

Tape Edit Part II

John (Tape Edit) 1:1
In the beginning was the Tape, and the Tape was with Human, and the Tape was Human...

Tochito (shorty) 12"x 19" mixed media on wood

Trace space 16"x 12" mixed media on wood

Bryce between perceptions  16"x 12" mixed media on wood

Apr 25, 2012

Tape Edit

Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.  Hal Holbrook 

I've been working on a series of mixed media portraits. For the most part, I use black/white tape, charcoal pencils, watercolor, and Mod Podge. The piece right below is the first of the series where tape started to take over my surfaces.

Mikey with void (revisited) 10 3/4"x 15" mixed media on paper glued onto masonite
Noelle with diagonal light form 11 3/4"x 19" mixed media on wood
Noelle with crystallizing light beam 12"x 16" mixed media on wood

Facind Paint 2011

The kind of audience that doesn’t spend the time to really look at a painting suffer from what David Perkins calls,  “audience impressionism”.  

Audience impressionism is a special case of that general problem with human cognition […]: hastiness-a disposition to reach a quick resolution driven by the rapid intuitive mechanisms of experiential intelligence.

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Erik (self-portrait) 50"x 26" oil on wood

Erik (self-portrait) detail

Jessie 18"x 28" oil on wood

Mikey 18"x 28" oil on wood

Claire 11"x 14" oil on wood